At 42 years old, married, business owner with a 7-year-old, I know the challenges so many working adults face when keeping up their fitness and found Less is often more. In my nearly 30 years training, I have seen all the fads come and go...I have remained a student of tried and true, evidence-based methods. Principled training that builds you up, not breaks you down, is what my clients receive.
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press, Front Squats, and Kettlebell Snatch...Short and sweet.
Steak, Steak, Steak, broccoli, broccolini, overnight oats, steak, potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggs,
At 42 years old, married, business owner with a 7-year-old, I know the challenges so many working adults face when keeping up their fitness and found Less is often more. In my nearly 30 years training, I have seen all the fads come and go...I have remained a student of tried and true, evidence-based methods. Principled training that builds you up, not breaks you down, is what my clients receive.
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press, Front Squats, and Kettlebell Snatch...Short and sweet.
Steak, Steak, Steak, broccoli, broccolini, overnight oats, steak, potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggs,
No music. Focus. But if something must be on...90's East Coast Hip Hop
I only workout about 45 minutes a week.