I deliver accurate and clear information in an empathetic, motivating way. I find true happiness and satisfaction in clients’ success and self-confidence.
My go to style of training is strength training with some HIIT worked in!
Chicken, potatoes, popcorn, watermelon, and green beans!
Mushrooms, fish, lettuce, and blueberries
I deliver accurate and clear information in an empathetic, motivating way. I find true happiness and satisfaction in clients’ success and self-confidence.
My go to style of training is strength training with some HIIT worked in!
Chicken, potatoes, popcorn, watermelon, and green beans!
Mushrooms, fish, lettuce, and blueberries
I love to listen to techno or EDM music when I workout!
I began my personal fitness journey by losing 50+ lbs, but that was just the beginning!